Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Perfected Ch. 13

I'm having a bad day so I'm going to write about this book. I don't get it either.

We need Judge Judy in this universe.

Chapter Thirteen

Is Ella running in heels? Because that's impressive.

Ella runs towards the street, noting that nobody calls after her, and a car is randomly idling in the street. Out pops Rhonda. Ella considers going back to the house but is like "Well, Rhonda is moderately less liable to RAPE ME" (okay not in so many words, but she does note that Rhonda doesn't scare her).

Rhonda proceeds to be a BAMF and apologizes Ella for scaring her and is all kind and nice and has a regular conversation.

Oh god I spoke too soon.

She asks Ella to get something in the backseat of the car.

The door slammed behind me and I sat up, fumbling for the doorknob.

Okay, first of all, what the fuck, Rhonda.

Second of all, was this book edited? Wtf is a doorknob doing on a car door.

Rhonda straight up kidnaps Ella and drives off and then yells at her to stop screaming and distracting her.

And here I thought she was the sanest character in this book. I'm putting that assignation onto Ruby WHOM I STILL MISS.

Ella doesn't want to go.

"I'm sorry, but this is for your own good. You might not understand now, but you will. I promise."

You want to know why this is a huge problem? Rhonda doesn't believe in slavery. She wants people to be free. Kidnapping a pet who still doesn't understand freedom and choice is not setting them free. It's taking someone who still believes she doesn't have freedom and pulling her out of it when this very action would get her murdered if she's caught. Even if Ella escapes and says she was kidnapped, who's to say John the Dick won't be like "nope" and send her back to the kennels to be euthanized? It's not going to happen because we're only in chapter 13 and there's over two and a half books left of this nonsense.

Even though slavery is wrong, this is still violating Ella's bodily autonomy. She didn't choose to run away like this, she was just running away from the situation with Collin. Yes, she is in very real danger from the Congressman, but she doesn't understand what is going on. Rhonda should have just talked to her before stealing her away. Ella was willing to talk to her. TALK PEOPLE. JUST TALK TO EACH MEIN GOTT IM HIMMEL.

Also, Rhonda has been protesting and picketing for 20 years (it's unclear if that's how long it's been since the law passed or if that's how long since it's been proposed). So we get a bit more timeline there.

"I've opposed this thing since they started letting those breeders in Nevada mess around with genetic engineering. And that was when they were claiming that they were only going to use it to make companions for the elderly and people with disabilities, but I saw this whole thing coming. Every last sick bit of it."

Did this assholes really try claiming they were engineering people to be companions for the sick and disabled? Because.... like.

They already have people and animals who do that. Who don't cost as much as a house. Like. What.

Every single time we get backstory this story falls more and more apart. I'd believe genetic engineering for designer children before making companions for disabled people. Also, Nevada is the only state that prostitution is legal soooo.

"I'm not stealing you, my dear. I'm freeing you. our country decided decades ago that it's immoral for one human to own another, but apparently some people have chosen to forget it."

First of all, you're still committing a felony considering you're kidnapping her against her will.

Second of all...


What the hell year is this book set in?

Ella is confused because she thinks it's immoral to steal someone else's property and take them from the life she's been raised in. She asks if Rhonda tried to steal Ravenna (no one calls her by her name, btw).

Rhonda says she would have taken in Ravenna and that she should have taken her. I mean, that situation I can totally understand considering Ravenna was being led to her death and the only way to save her life would have been to kidnap her.

Ella falls asleep after awhile. When she wakes up, Rhonda tells her she's taking her to a safe house, and that they've created an underground railroad of sorts to get pets out of the country. 

"I didn't get a hold of them last night and I called about fifteen times. What sort of person doesn't have voicemail." She sighed.
So... this world DOES have cell phones?! 

Lol Rhonda is old lady vs. technology because she printed out instructions to get to the safe house. I guess Google Maps doesn't have it. Oh Rhonda.

Ella looks at people on the streets and is like "They poor working class people" and... wow. She doesn't really judge them but it still feels judgey because HER cotton dresses she grew up in were elegant and nice.

What would I do if Ms. Harper was taking me here, to one of these buildings? I didn't fit in here. I was bred for refinement, not this.

WTF Ella that came out of nowhere.

This genetically engineered pets =  chattel slavery trope the author is trying to pull out every now and again reeeeeeally doesn't mesh. Like at all. Considering the "pets" just kind of exist to be looked at (at least as far as Ella realizes. I'm still firmly in the camp that they're totally meant to be sex slaves). Like, they're even more useless than actual pets. 

Rhonda is also dismayed at the sad state of the safe house. C'mon Rhonda, I expect this from "doesn't know any better" Ella, but you? Hell, I've read stories where slaves in southern states were smuggled to freedom in caskets, among other ways.

Rhonda rings the bell and tells the other person that she has a rescued pet.

Can she stop calling Ella a pet, please? Yikes. 

Okay so we finally get information. The congressman lives in Connecticut. They are no longer in connecticut. 

"We only take pets moving north toward Canada. What are you doing bringing her farther south? That doesn't make sense."

Yeah, Rhonda. What's you're problem? Apparently, she only came because this was the contact she was given. Ella says she didn't want to come, but is interrupted by Rhonda.

The woman won't take Ella, and they interrupt her again and argue about her.

Jeez, even the good guys are total assholes. What the hell is even going on?

Rhonda leaves Ella on the porch and drives off (they're still not listening to her) and the woman at the door lets her in.

Can this book please just have one noble person? I don't count Pencil.

What is this book trying to accomplish by portraying everyone as a twisted jerk? I mean, Penn is obviously being built up as the hero but he sucks. Ruby is the only one who I even like and she still doesn't understand that pets are human beings with souls, but she's young enough to learn and WE HAVEN'T SEEN HER IN CHAPTERS I MISS HER.


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