Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Virgin Bride Said, "Wow" Chapter Eleven Part Two- Chapter 12


It took me that long to recover from this dumb book.

So I present to you now the last chapter and a half of the Virgin Bride said, "Wow!".

Remember where we left off? With Hargett being Brady's pop?

Kelsey is totes surprised by this reveal. I still would have preferred him being a Prostitute, but what do I know.


He owns a lot of gas stations. And Brady is NOT JUST THE HEIR but he's THE ONLY HEIR (what the hell Brady that doesn't need dramatics from you).

Kelsey is flummoxed over the fact that Brady didn't tell her, because he wants to "live a normal life". YOu see, because Hargett grew up dirt poor, he didn't want Brady to have to struggle to get where he is in life. Brady is highly resentful of this. He doesn't want to be an oil exec (understandable). He struck a deal with Hargett where he'd be left alone for two years to try to "prove his mettle" as a cowboy instead of working for the oil company.

They talk about buying ranches and borrowing money from Wade.


I always kind of resent it in books when characters have rich parents but 'want to live a normal life!!!!1111one' because it was so hard being poor little rich boy with a mean ol' daddy wanting to follow in his footsteps. Now, I know this can happen, and that there can be a lot of tension between parents and children. But good lord. Instead of BITCHING about how hard it is when your parents don't want you to divert from a path, accept that you have some wonderful blessings in your life. And since Brady has a TRUST FUND that is probably in the millions, he doesn't need to follow in his father's footsteps even if his father resents him for it.

This book makes no sense and I hate it. Of course, there's a contingent in the trust fund that says Brady can only get it if he's successful as a rancher (Is that a real thing? Kind of like loaning money to a couple who obviously only got married to get that money. I don't even know. I want this book to die).

"My getting the funds was contingent upon my being a success as a rancher. THat's why I wasn't worried about paying Wade McCabe back, or building an indoor arena or anything else, because I knew I'd have the money to do anything we wanted to do here if I just made it a few more weeks."
And you couldn't tell her this WHY?

Kelsey is bitter because she feels like he made a fool out of her. She feels he just used her in order to get the requirements of her trust fund, not because he believed in her. Dude, chill out and party in the fact that the dude is filthy rich. Priorities!

 She feels this way because Brady never said he loved her. There's a lot of internal monologue I'm skipping because IDGAF.

Brady says he needed her for more than the ranch, and of course Kelsey thinks he's talking about SEXY TIMES because that makes sense (I'm not being sarcastic. Why not?). And that Hargett totes knew was going on.

"Don't use my father as an excuse. Yes, he's a pain. But Hargett's not the problem here, Kelsey. You are. You don't even have to tell me. I can see it by the look on your face. You've got one foot out the door already, don't you?"
 Kelsey whines that she can't stay in the marriage because she knows everything (Drama Queen of the year... dude is rich! Hit that thang!).

Am I shallow?

They dither some more. It is boring.

Oh hey, we find out how they met. Someone named Travis had a ranch and they were both ranch hands last summer. I don't really care.

Brady says Kelsey is afraid of commitment, Kelsey says Brady didn't tell her because he wanted out of the marriage too. And that he just liked the challenge of winning her heart. Brady actually calls himself a good husband, and Kelsey calls him on it.

He did lie to her, and was an asshole, so I'm siding with Kelsey on him being a lousy husband.

Kelsey tells him it's over and Chapter 11 is over.


The chapter opens with Hargett telling Brady he's a moron (well, not in those words, just telling him that he should have told Kelsey the truth).

Brady is mopey. When he tells him that Kelsey is leaving, Hargett is all 'YOU'RE GOING TO LET HER GO' because of course he does. Hargett is all "omg kelsey totes loves uuuuu." And then he starts talking about Brady's mom and how she didn't want to be married to him anymore because Hargett didn't love her. And Hargett always regretted not telling her that he totally loved her.

So I guess being really bad at communication runs in the family. Anyway, they talk some more about Brady's mom (she died when he was five, and that she was apparently scared). The point is that Hargett wants Brady to not be a dumbass and tell Kelsey how he feels otherwise he'll regret it.

Hargett also tells Brady that he gets his inheritance with no stipulations because Brady was able to be his own man (I don't even know, guys). And Brady is happy that Hargett doesn't want him to come back to work for him.

How convenient.

Meanwhile, Doucheface (only not actually a Doucheface) Patricia finds Kelsey and thanks her. She talked to Rafe, who explained about the dumbest date in the world. They're going out again. Woo?

Instead of the Gilded Lily, they're going to the Armadillo (wtf is that a restaurant or a mini golf course, I can't tell from the text). They talk about how Kelsey is glad that Patricia is giving him another chance.

They also bond over the fact that they're both fools. Well, I'm not really arguing with Kelsey, but I don't blame Patricia for freaking out over the stupid date thing.

There's more Patricia backstory about the married guy who promised to divorce his wife but never did. I don't particular care this late in the game. But anyway, the point of it is Patricia trying to tell Kelsey that Brady is nothing like the douche she had an affair with. Okay, hearing her backstory, I can kind of think she was a Douche in her past but became less douchey after that situation.

I really like using the word douche. Sorry.

Also, by now, everyone in town has heard that he's the Anderson Oil Heir. Apparently Brady decided to hell with it and actually tell people himself. Good for him?

Dani randomly shows up and agrees with Patricia that there is a problem between Brady and Kelsey that needs to be solved. Kelsey blames it on being fickle. Seriously, woman, just stop trying.

"You stopped being fickle the day you hooked up with Brady," Dani argued.
Kelsey lifted a brow.
Dork has done nothing BUT be fickle since she hooked up with Brady.

Kelsey tries to explain that Brady only married her to get his inheritance. They argue. It's still boring. I am so ready to be done with this book.

At that moment, Brady drives up the lane. Like, really fast, guys.

On the bright side, Brady is thoughtful and parks so other people can get out of the drive way. Good, Brady, you're learning! Dani and Patricia leave, and Kelsey is embarrassed that she'd been moving Brady's stuff to the porch because she decided 5 seconds ago that she wanted to be with him after all.

Brady says he needs to say something to her. He apologizes, sort of, for not telling her who he really was sooner, and that he paid off the ranch's mortgage and what they owed to Wade. Very, very convenient. He also explains how he got the money.

He says they made a mistake, and kind of doesn't stop talking about the whole situation. I have no idea what part he feels is the mistake, not letting themselves do the nasty or getting married at all. Kelsey says they should have been honest with each other (NO SHIT), and admits that she's been in love with him since they met. They make out with a "searching kiss". What does that mean, anyway? Are they searching for each other's tongues? Because that would be hilarious.

Brady tells Kelsey that he's in love with her too. Thank God. They decide to have a second wedding. Cutesy, cutesy.

Cut to the wedding. Some people who I don't remember who they are talk about the "something old, something new" tradition. Kelsey wears white leather cowgirl boots, which I actually think is super cute (I want a pair of cowboy boots soooooooo badly okay).

I guess the people talking are her sisters because they're her bridesmaids. Someone named John McCabe (WHO IS HE) walks her down the aisle. They get married. Again.

John and Meg McCabe talk about marrying off all the McCabes and Lockharts (WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE) instead of... actually showing Kelsey and Brady being all married at the reception.

I totes skimmed the next two pages because I have no idea who any of these people are. Theeeeeeeen we go to Brady and Kelsey.

They dance. Talk about how their lives are going to get better.

The end.

I'm done. Thank the lord.

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