Saturday, February 24, 2018

Perfected Ch. 9-10


Chapter Nine

Ella spends four paragraphs talking about clothes.

She's wearing a fancy dress, but she just wants something PLAIN. Because she just wants to be a NORMAL GIRL you see. But then she thinks that she wants to be A PERFECT PET. And I'm throwing up a little.

Ella goes for a walk outside (this is a week after she was bought by the congressman) and bumps into Rhonda, the woman who was all OMG YOU ARE A HUMAN BEING in the other chapter. Ella tries to leave because Rhonda frightens her, but Rhonda starts talking to her kindly and explains that she lost her temper because of how disgusting it is that slavery exists.

She's the one sane character here

Rhonda tells Ella that she's willing to help her escape, and explains that Ella is brainwashed to want to be a pet. Ella leaves because she is, in fact, brainwashed. 

Everyone is gone from the house leaving Ella all alone. Ella is happy, because she finally gets to play the piano. She takes like almost a page to actually walk to the piano and start to play.

The notes moved up through my spine until I could actually feel them leaving my body. Until each one of those notes that had been held captive inside of me broke free.

I love music more than almost anything I still think this is pretentious as hell. Tone it down, y'all. BTW if that's how it feels to play the piano, then I must be doing it wrong.

Dewy sweat formed along my brow, and my breath came in quick bursts, like I'd been running, fast and hard to keep up with the music. I struck the last few chords and sat slouched and panting on the keys.
Is she having sex with the piano? Dear god.

Of course Penn overheard her play. He compliments her and tells her she can listen to his music in his room anytime, including RIGHT THEN.

His room is covered in posters and road signs and musical instruments. Well, the book says "instruments" so I immediately imagined shit like surgical instruments, but it turns out he has guitars and stuff. And other things she can't name. If this kid has a theremin I take back everything I've said about him, that would be freaking HILARIOUS.

I want one

Penn's room is messy, and they listen to Amos Lee. 

But I wasn't prepared for the ache I would feel once the singing started. I took a shuddering breath.

I mean, I get very emotional over music but Ella can barely make it through any music without a breakdown, jeez.

Penn tells her to scoot over and they TOUCH LEGS and she can FEEL HEAT. Ugh.

John knocks and bursts in and is all upset because he couldn't find Ella. Papa DoucheChill gets all pissed that Penn is spending time with her and introducing her to MUSIC. He whisks Ella away to meet campaign donors, all pissy.

Chapter Ten

 Ella goes to meet the men and John is... gross.

"So...I wasn't joking, was I?" he said. "This is the reason everyone was so excited about bill 467." He gestured to me and smiled broadly, leaning back in his chair. "If it wasn't politically unethical, I'd be buying stock in Greenwich kennels myself."

Get it, he makes a comment about political ethics when he made it legal to own slaves!

Question, so did... they just decide to abolish the Thirteenth amendment or did they make it so genetically engineered humans aren't considered people?

Apparently the people who own the kennels are happy about the legislation. So... they were engineering people before the legislation? Okay, I guess I can see that... but they'd still make a SHIT LOAD of money engineering children for people who have the money. Think about it. They engineer designer babies, and they don't have to raise, feed, clothe, train, etc. them once they're done with the engineering part. So it seems like the overhead would be a LOT less. And if they can engineer humans, they can engineer animals, too. Like. I don't understand why slavery exists in this world. This makes no sense whatsoever.

One of the men strokes her hand and she's uncomfortable and doesn't know why her trainer didn't tell them they'd be touched like that.

West Wing gif seems apt. The president should have vetoed this shit.

"I can assure you, Tom, they've been trained to be practically self-sufficient."

Can Ella cook? Does she even know what a microwave is? I don't think this dork even knows how to make a sandwich. Because I doubt they're on her approved food list.

One of the men mentions Ravenna, and John repeats the line about her "coming down" with something (aka pregnancy).

Lol so apparently because John raped and impregnated Ravenna (btw, it hasn't been explicitly stated that's what happened but it's obvious), the kennels were like OMG SO SORRY, WE 'waved' [sic] THE FEES.

The lottery fees or the actual purchase? Because if he DIDN'T spend all that money on her than a tubal ligation should be even less of an issue, FREAK-ASS JOHN KIMBALL.

The three crow about being the elite who have human beings as pets instead of yachts or villas. John has Ella play the piano.

I didn't want to play the piano out of obligation. I wanted to play it out of joy.

You're entirely life has been obligation, sheesh. PENN'S MUSIC HAS OPENED HER EYES or something, IDEK.

I wouldn't let my body dance.

If your body is dancing while you're playing, then you're DEFINITELY doing it wrong. Unless you mean your hands and foot on the pedal...

They certainly didn't seem to care if the music came from my heart. [. . .] I could be a mechanical girl as easily as I could be a living one.

Okay, but... how would she be aware enough to know to feel this way? She's been trained her whole life to consider herself as nothing more than a pet. Jeez, this book. She goes between being all I JUST WANT TO PLEASE EVERYONE to OMG POOR ME I WANT TO ENJOY MUSIC AND DANCE AND SHIZ and I'm like, omg.

Either be a doormat and be boring as shit or be a total rebel and still be boring as shit because this book sucks. Just pick one.

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