Saturday, July 9, 2016

Heir of Fire Ch. 17-18

Pretty much how I feel going back into this.

Chapter 17

Hold up...

Okay I'm good

Cel awakes from her psychotic episode. Kind of bummed that she actually awoke. She looks in the mirror, and SURPRISE SURPRISE she looks like shit.

Poor Celly-welly has looked like shit pretty much the entire 130 pages so far.

She picked up the tin of salve Rowan had given her, but then decided he should see what he'd done.

I may be wrong, friends, but I have a feeling Rowan won't give a shit.

She goes to the kitchen. Some guy I don't remember is talking about a knife. Emrys sees her and is all like "Wtf, yo."

 Luca offers salve.

She began peeling the cloves, her fingers instantly sticky. They were still staring, so she flatly said, "It's none of your business."
Way to be an ass, ass

Emrys is all like, "It so is my business when you're all GROSS IN MY KITCHEN". I love him.

Also, since she's peeling garlic cloves, would her fingers be THAT sticky? I usually don't get too much garlic oil on my fingers unless I"m mincing it. Just peeling the skin off shouldn't be that bad.

I think way too much about cooking reading this travesty.

BLah Blah Blah, people notice her, she ignores them, lots look human.

An old man compliments her black eye. It's Emrys' husband Malakai. 

"And it looks like you don't bother using a healing salve." She held his gaze but gave no reply. Malakai's grin faded. "My mate works too much as it is. You don't add to that burden, understand?"


Cel sort of threatens them without speaking it because she is everlastingly the worst.

Apparently male fae are super overprotective, and it just makes me roll my eyes.

"My mate means well, lass. But you're a stranger--and from Adarlan. And you're training with. . . someone none of us quite understand."
Celaena dumped the kettle in the sink. "I don't care," she said. And meant it. 
Holy Crap on a Cracker, Celadon,


 I'm really tired of reading about this bitch's "dead inside" shit. The author can't pull it off and it's so fucking annoying.

Training is horrible because he makes her sit down. I'm. not. kidding.

He doesn't bother teaching her how to shift, and won't teach her magic unless she shifts. So. Um. Way to be a teacher, Rowboat. She seemingly can't physically shift. It's boring.

It storms and is super cold. Then they go home.


She goes back to the kitchen to find food. People apparently hang out there.

The dining hall was spacious, if a bit cold--why gather around the kitchen heart?

Ah, Cel shows off her trademark stupidity. She answered her own damn question before she asked it.

Anyway, she goes to get food. She is jealous because Luca is all over some girl, and she misses Nacho.

Emrys tells a story.

"Long ago, . . . the  faeries still walked among us."

Um, you mean like ten years ago? Ten years which is nothing to an immortal fae? WTF? Fae =/= faeries remember (ugh), but still.

Emrys finishes his tale. It's apparently a spooky one but we don't get to hear it. Probably for the best. She leaves no, and sees a hawk outside in the night. She somehow can see it's eyes (?) and recognizes it from when she was a lazy bum sitting on the rooftop drinking. Apparently it's Rowboat's animal form.

Emrys asks her to tell a story, and she says no and leaves.

Chapter 18

Back to Prince FIzzbitch! He spars with the guard, to pass the time and to see Sarsparilla more. He has a crush on her.

He goes to see her with a sprained wrist or something. He fell on it wrong. Apparently she can't do anything for it because she's the worst physician ever. Well, except for a pain tonic. They make chitchat about random things.

Fizzbitch is just like 'dude, just ask about the crazy happenings around here.'

He tells her what's going on, or at least what he knows. He implies he has magic or something. I don't know. As you can tell I'm absolutely enthralled.

He starts freaking out, and Sarsparilla mentions that the king would kill the Wonder Triplets, and his magic goes haywire.

Sarsparilla is getting lectured for some mysterious reason (there's a scene break).  Oh, she knocked over her worktable and messed up a bunch of stuff. She can't make up a good enough excuse after waiting for twenty minutes, and is all like "I slipped on oil." Come on son, that's amateur lying. I can think of half a dozen better excuses.

She figured out Fizzbitch has magic. A huge blast of icy wind enveloped the room.

Healers aren't allowed to interact with patients outside of healing them. Which... seems a bit ridiculous. Of course it's important to be professional and there are rules about that in the modern world, but no interaction whatsoever? That just seems needlessly stupid.

Anyway, her superior healer is all like "Fizzbitch is a manwhore" and implies that Sarsparilla isn't his type.

This entire scene is cut with flashbacks between dialogue and it's really annoying to read. Anyway, Sarsparill promises Fizzbitch that she won't tell anyone. She promises to help him.

Scene break again!

NACHO. He's trailing Aedion (aka Cel's cousin) into the slums. He's meeting someone in an alcove. This scene has a lot of exposition that I don't care about.

If he could find out not only how the king had stifled magic but also how to liberate it before he was dragged back to Anielle, then Dorian's secret might be less explosive. It might help him, somehow. And Chaol would always help him, his friend, his prince.

Awwwww yeeeeeah. OTP right there.

Nacho is caught! With a dagger at his side!

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