Sunday, November 1, 2015

Fancast for 2015 NaNoWriMo

The Blade and the Grey Fancast

Lucy Hale as Sicara.
 She started training as an assassin at age 14, and nearly ten years later she is highly skilled and arguably more dangerous than Grey. Her youthful face and innocent demeanor make it easier for her to get close to her targets. Grey's sense of humor has rubbed off on her and often the two crack jokes that no one else finds funny.

Karl Urban as Grey
He saved Sicara's life and subsequently started training her to be his apprentice when he was in his mid-twenties. She is the only person he trusts with his life. His mantra is "A death without gold is a life wasted", which means that he takes great pains to avoid killing people who don't have a contract. He has a very dry sense of humor.

Sophie Turner as Zilvannie the Exile.
Zil was banished from the Vale at age 17, and for the past two years she has lived on the outskirts of the empire. She is forbidden to set foot within the boundary of the Vale. She has made friends with the Outriders, and often gives them information on the Imperial Outpost. She feels a heavy guilt for her crimes, though the Outriders feel she was falsely exiled.

Bonnie Wright as Nydia Oldtree.
A young, ambitious Outrider of the Vale, Nydia was sent to the Imperial Boundary with her Wing when the followers of the forgotten god were exiled from the Vale. When the rest of her Wing was sent back, she stayed to help Vine and the rest. She is very realistic, and her bright ambition has caught the eye of the Captain Primary, who is grooming her to take his place once he retires. She can be serious minded, but lets Vine joke around with her when she keeps most at arms length.

Richard Madden as Secondary Vinusae (Vine) Stonehill
An experienced Outrider, he connects with Nydia almost instantly in spite of them never riding in the same Wing. He has a great distrust of Imperials, but he is very fond of Zil in spite of her exile. He lacks Nydia's ambition, but found himself in a position of command in his Wing for his hard work and the fact that hears respect for his skill and dedication to his Oath. He is hardworking, but he enjoys a pint and a good pub joke as much as anyone. He is very fond of Zil, and is convinced that she never deserved to be Exiled. He considers Nydia the sister he never had.

Diana Penty as Avayis/Key
A self-made Priestess of a forgotten god, she left Atana before she could be pressured into joining the Godsworn Army. She went to the Vale after finding Empirian to not be receptive to her preaching. She formed a strange triumverate of power with Clef and One, something not seen for a thousand years. She and her companions were thrown out of the Vale for illegal religious practices, and soon after they started finding followers. She wants nothing more than to bring back her forgotten god, to the point of single-mindedness.

Chris Pratt as Henry/One
A man with a tenuous hold on sanity, he would walk through fire for Key after she saved him from a deathly illness. He is the only one who can stand up to her, though he usually backs down out of respect for her. He is afraid of the forgotten god and won't speak his name. He considers Clef his closest friend. He doesn't like to talk much.

Diego Luna as Clef.
Key saved his life when he was stabbed in a barroom brawl over a prostitute. Lost, angry, and lonely, he started following her and found she had an unusual charm and provocative energy that he wanted for himself. He was never religious, but he finds the concept of the forgotten god frightening, but not as frightening as dying alone. He is more of a brawler than a skilled warrior, but it works. He's not above trickery and deceit, but he's tends to be honest with people he actually respects.

YaYa DaCosta as Princess Galena Adiram
She accepted Emperor Landis Delarre V's marriage proposal, knowing full well her country Vedra, annexed a hundred years earlier, would be shocked and confused by her marriage. A deft politician, she is intent on proving herself to her new subjects. While she has a strong, noble facade, underneath she is frightened of marrying a man she does not know and of ruling. She was second-born to a king-in-name-only, and therefore she never expected to lead.

Tom Hiddleston as Emperor Landis Delarre V
Landis became Emperor far too young with the death of his grandfather. Eager to bring peace to his Empire, he extends a marriage contract to the Princess of Vedra, much to his council's surprise and anger. Determined to keep the peace, he is the one who hires Sicara and Grey to kill the Triumverate, though he has to do so through convoluted channels so that it doesn't lead back to him. Determined to be a good leader, he isn't afraid of underhanded dealings to make his dreams of a peaceful Empire come true. Descended from the folk hero Best Beloved, he takes her legacy seriously.

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