Thursday, April 23, 2015

Throne of Glass Ch. 18-19

Chapter 18

We switch to Cel's point of view, and I almost wish for her supreme arrogance over Dorian's dull, brainless thoughts. So there's that at least.

Dorian is teaching Nehemiah Tyger about fencing. And now we get into the romance portion of the novel, as he's so handsome he can't help but blush and it's hard not to think about how attractive he is and why he's not married.

She sort of wanted to kiss him.

She thinks about kissing her old boyfriend, and how the thought of kissing other people is wrong until she met Dorian. But her thoughts are interrupted by Nehemiah getting a hit on Dorian. 

Damn him for being so handsome!

Nacho bursts in and is all pissy because Dorian and Nehemiah are sparring. He does his job again as he speaks to Nehemiah's guards and sends Cel to her chambers. She whines about how she needs to train and argues with Nacho. She then is all I'M NOT GOING TO DO ANYTHING TO NEHEMIAH.

They argue about it. It's stupid. An assassin can't understand why she's not allowed to hang out with a princess of a rebel country. You utterly fail at being an assassin. She brings up the point that she doesn't want to go to Endovier, so she's not going to do anything to endanger herself.

Yeah, but there are twenty other criminals vying for the same spot and bringing Nehemiah to their training room? You great goober. And then she cries about her body is a wreck and she "needs" the extra hours in the training room.

Overtraining will make you worse you buffoon.

I hate sitting around, locked in my room, bored out of my sense. I hate all these guards and nonsense; I hate you telling me to hold back when Brullo sings Cain's praises and I"m just there, boring and unnoticed in the middle. I hate being told what I can't do. And I hate you most of all!"

Our heroine, ladies and gentleman, a woman who throws a hissy fit about how much her life sucks just a couple weeks after being liberated from a mine where the average life expectancy is a month.

Her throwing a hissy would work if she really WERE a Jewel Thief for kicks, and her father sent her away in disgrace. She'd be an upper class spoiled girl who never really had to deal with this sort of situation before. It doesn't work for the most renowned assassin, who was raised with extreme discipline, and was forced into slavery. 

Now I wanna read a story about Cel's fake identity but with an actual character with real depth. That'd be way more interesting than this crap. 

God this chapter was short.

Chapter 19

Kaltain's POV! I wonder how she's going to be vilified today!

She's in the great hall after Dorian left. She was upset that she didn't get to talk to him, especially as she tried to make herself look extra nice for the occasion. This paragraph is supposed to be all "omg she is so vain" I'm just remembering how long it takes to get into my Renaissance garb, do my hair, and my make up and jewelry and I'm nodding in sympathy.

Duke Perrington begins to talk to her, and we can tell she doesn't like him. They talk about the queen and how she's trying to marry off her son. She's manipulating him and a sight better than Cel ever could because Kaltain has tact.

Kaltain wants to be on the list of marriageable ladies for Dorian, unsurprisingly. She mentions that she met "Lady Lillian" (Cel). The Duke obviously knows who she's talking about and stiffens up. He tells Kaltain that "Lillian" isn't on the Queen's list. Kaltain does a little lying and says that Dorian admitted that he's "attached" to her.

Duke Perrington tells her it's impossible.

A clock chimed, off-kilter, and Perrington turned in it's direction.

I hate that stupid freaking clock. I mean really EXPLODING?!

Kaltain just thinks about how she can get closer to Dorian. And that's all for this bit. Not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Cool.

We switch to the Dynamic Duo

Wrong Duo

as they walk into the Great Hall. They discuss Cel and how Nacho is concerned about Dorian spending time with her (BECAUSE HE, UNLIKE THE REST OF THE UNIVERSE, REMEMBERS SHE'S SUPPOSED TO BE AN ASSASSIN).

"Why would she kill me? I think she likes being pampered. If she hasn't attempted to escape or kill anyone, then why would she do it now?" He patted his friend on the shoulder. "You worry too much."

"This chick likes being a spoiled brat too much to remember she is a deadly assassin." -The synopsis for the entire novel.

Nacho makes the very valid statement that it's his job to worry (then DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE WORRY you dumbo). Then Dorian counters that he'll have grey hair and Cel won't fall in love with him, and Nacho is all irritated by this.

"Well, if she does try to escape, which she won't, then she'll break your heart. You'd be forced to throw her in the dungeons, hunger down, or kill her."
"Dorian, I don't like her."
Dorian is the crown prince of this kingdom, and he has a physically abusive father who happens to conquer nations and enslave people for fun. Nacho is his captain of the guard, and he has the solemn oath to protect the king and his family at all costs.

They sound like a couple of junior high boys arguing about Tiffany, the kinda nerdy (but secretly hot) chick in their class.

Dorian then asks about Eye Eater and who might have killed him. Nacho says the body was totally destroyed. Words mean things. "Totally destroyed" makes me think of Hannibal Lecter levels of breaking down a corpse. But to be fair, Eye Eater's innards and brain were removed. But still.

"I bet it was just a drunken brawl," Dorian said . . .

An appropriate gif with which to end this chapter.

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