Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Heir of Fire Ch. 7-9

It's like Skyrim outside. So freaking cold.

Next thing you know a dragon will be outside shouting at me.

Chapter Seven

Cel and Rowboat are traveling again. Rowboat is a douche.

She had debated asking him what the words meant, but that would involve talking. And talking meant building some sort of . . . relationship. She'd had enough of friends.

Oh god, does that mean everyone I talk to on the phone at work is my friend? Please, no....

Anyway, Cel and Rowboat travel for awhile not talking to each other for days. They end up at some sort of building in the mountains. They go through some sort of magical barrier or something. Some of the Fae sentries approach them and salute Rowboat. They go into the building and see that Queen Maeve is there. She's Cel's aunt and greets her by her real name Alien Garfunkel (okay, okay, Aelin Galathynius).

Chapter Eight

Cel tries to back away but Rowboat is in the way. She tries to lie and say that Alien is dead, but Maeve is like "lol dumbass".

Cel thinks about Maeve and random crap for several paragraphs.

Maeve, the face of a thousand legends . . . and nightmares.

So, um, no examples? None at all in the books so far? Y'okay. I don't know this Maeve chick from Tinkerbell for all the reverence paid her in the books so far. Which is none.

There's a random owl in the room too. In case you were wondering.

Cel finally minds her manners and bows. Mauve makes some crack to her about looking like her mom, and Cel tries to throw Rowboat under the bus because she doesn't look clean (omg Cel who gives a rip). Rowboat is related to Mauve, and thus is a distant relation to Cel.

This is so boring. I don't care about these people, so I don't care that Mauve is being secretive or that Cel has to 'Play the game'. Blech. I miss the faerie in the Dresden Files. That shit is at least interesting.

There were legends whispered over fires about the other skin Maeve wore. No one had lived to tell anything beyond shadows and claws and a darkness to devour your soul.

Apparently Cel's parents eloped and broke some fae laws or something. They weren't supposed to mix the bloodlines? I don't know. Apparently Mauve had been watching Cel since she became an assassin. Or at least there were rumors of it.

She doesn't let Mauve talk about Endovier and it's specifically mentioned that it's because she doesn't want Rowboat's pity. Because he's shown so much interest in any face to her existence before.

She flashed Rowan a glare that told him to mind his own business. He merely looked away, bored again. Typical immortal arrogance.

Cel, this may come as a complete shock to you, but you are not the center of the universe.

Cel then tells Mauve that she can't use her Fae powers, and Mauve asks if she can now that she's on another continent. Cel gets the feeling that she should run away. Mauve asks her to use her power and starts using some mind powers to push at Cel. Cel fights back. Apparently Cel's gift of being able to use fire is rare. Because of course Cel is the specialist snowflake.

Mauve knows that Cel is there to ask about the Wyrdkeys, and she tells her that she has to go to the Fae city or whatever it is to get the answers. Cel has to train herself in order to be worthy to get the answers. Rowboat is the one who's going to help her.

Side note, this book likes using the word "shit" a lot more than the previous too.

Cel things for a few more paragraphs about Mauve. Mauve then explains that she wants Cel to train so that she can become a queen. This bothers Cel. Rowboat leads her through the building to her room. She is a dick, so she verbally harasses Rowboat. He rises to the occasion. They argue over dumb things.

"Fae like you make me understand the King of Adarlan's actions a bit more, I think."

Whoa, Cel, that was way harsh.

Rowboat straight up clocks her in the face because he is a fucking terrible person. He goes to punch her again but stops himself. Cel continues to taunt him.


Cel tries to hit Rowboat but misses. He trips her and he gets the upper hand because he's had a million years on her. He tries to make her give him her weapons and she steadfastly refuses. Dude, the guy straight up punched you. What is wrong with you?

He also tells her that she's going to work in the kitchens to pull her weight.

"For an old bastard, you certainly haven't bothered to learn manners at any point in your long existence."

I hate to say this, but you started it, Cel. It wasn't even as if working in the kitchens was a punishment since he said EVERYONE does it. What the fuck does having manners have to do with the fact that you have to work in the kitchen?

She finally gives up her weapons. I hate these people so much. Cel lays in bed for a few hours brooding. She thinks about things for several more paragraphs.

What Maeve didn't understand, what she could never understand, was just how much that little princess in Terrasen had damned them a decade ago, even worse than Maeve herself had. She had damned them all, and then left the world to burn into ash and dust.

Gonna explain that one? No? Okay. Just wondering.

(Holy shit over dramatic much?)

Chapter Nine

This book has pity on me and we turn away from the Dynamic Duo to go back to Manbun Blackhawk.

Witches in this universe ride brooms (or they used to) and that's such a kitsch image that doesn't fit in with the rest of the world.

Manbun has her own coven called "Manon's Thirteen" which has been around for a hundred years. Manbun's grandma is talking to a Duke, who I think is Duke Perrington but he hasn't been named yet. The Thirteen are guarding Manbun's grandma.

They randomly leave the Duke and walk on. Manbun's grandmother tells her to send her coven off to gather the witches in their clan and other clans if they seem them.

Oh, Evil King Papa is the one who wants them all to gather. Manbun thinks it's a trap, but her grandmother says it's not. She says EKP has bred wyverns for them to ride.

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