Thursday, October 22, 2015

Crown of Midnight Ch. 33-35

Have a funny Skyrim picture before I start. We all need a laugh.

Skyrim glitches are my favorite glitches

Chapter 33

This chapter is all from the POV of a slave in the Calculla labor mines. Apparently these mines are just as bad as Endovier, because the life expectancy is about the same, a month. The girl has been there six months. Her whole family is dead.

She's staying alive from the hope of Princess Nehemiah saving them. She wants to join the rebels if she gets her freedom. Of course, she finds out that Nehemiah is dead and starts crying. So she swings her pickax into the overseer and considers herself dead.

That was pointless

Chapter 34

Nacho asks Ress if Cel has done anything new, and he reports that she got out of bed and sits in her chair all day. Nacho's scratch marks are starting to heal. He feels he deserves the scar he'll probably get. Ress starts to say something, but nacho shuts him down.

He doesn't want to talk to Cel, which is what Philippa said and what Ress was going to say.

God, these people do not stop proving that they're complete morons. "Oh, Cel went absolutely batshit insane and tried to kill Nacho and we had to put her in the dungeons and drug her to calm her the fuck down, so why doesn't Nacho try to talk to her!"

He keeps a watch posted on Cel's rooms, but says she's allowed to leave. He figures that he should be the one to "intercept" Cel, and "confront" her about Nehemiah. 

I really don't understand the logic here. Cel is so over the top angry with Nacho, and hates his very soul. She obviously isn't going to listen to a damn word he says. So why should he be interacting with her at all? It would be much better to have Prince Fizzbitch talk to her.

Nacho even points out that he knew Cel meant it when she told him he'd always be her enemy.

Also, Nacho's dad is coming to Rifthold for meetings on how to deal with Nehemiah's assassination.

Prince Fizzbitch is being followed by Nacho's guards, presumably to keep him safe from an assassination like Nehemiah's. Clueless Queen Mama and Joffrey-lite are holed up in their rooms, Rolaid's mother left Rifthold (She has literally not been mentioned once in this entire novel so I was a little like "wtf when did she even get to Rifthold?"), as have a lot of nobles. Rolaids is still there, though, working in the council and still backing everything Prince Fizzbitch contributes.

Prince Fizzbitch thinks about when he stopped Cel's wrist when she was trying to stab Nacho. It was like he was actually touching her even though he hadn't been. It wasn't a conscious effort, it just happened. He decides to learn to control his magic. Of course, this is easier said than done. He's afraid with Nehemiah dead, he won't be able to learn to control it.

Cel is sitting in her chair. Doing nothing. For days. Like, I understand she's grieving over losing Nehemiah and that Nacho supposedly betrayed her, but this is kind of ridiculous. Everyone grieves differently, but this is just over the top. She's only bathed once in this whole time. Gross.

Cel isn't wanting to kill herself, as she still has something to do. I know a lot of people said her grief was well done in this part of the book, but it's just so... I don't even know. It's empty. This is all empty and hollow. I never got the sense that Cel and Nehemiah were as close as sisters. I never got the sense that she actually loved Nacho and her blaming him doesn't make any sense even from her Point of View. So this "unable to function" bullshit just feels like words on a page. I've had some terrible, deep grief in my life and I had my moments of just sitting there, unable to cope. And it wasn't anything like this bullshit.

Anyway, Cel knows that the assassin came from outside of the palace. She's pretty sure it's Grave, one of the competitors from the first book.

And this is why you give the death penalty to serial killers instead of inviting them to compete in a Palace and then apparently letting them go free when they don't make the cut.
Grave knew the palace; he'd trained here just as she had. And he'd known, too, just whom he was murdering and dismembering--and what it would mean to her.

Chapter 35

Cel dresses in black and goes down to Elena's tomb. 

It was war upon them all. Let them tremble in fear at what they had awoken

There is literally no context to this. One second she's walking down the stairs, this happens, and then she sees moonlight. Great.

Mort apologizes to Cel for Nehemiah's death, but she doesn't reply to him. She steals the weapons from the tomb, as well as some of the gold. She takes Damaris, the sword she used in the first book. Mort yells at her, but she ignores him. She laughs, and then leaves.

She escapes out through the sewers.

She heads through Rifthold to a place called the Vaults. She pays to get in. The Vaults sounds like Mos Eisley spaceport.

In the subterranean warren below, one could find the cutthroats, the monsters, and the damned of Adarlan.

Cel realizes that Grave would have been paid very well for the hit, and that he wanted people to know he killed Nehemiah, because he's as dumb as shit. But serial killers do have often pathology about needing their work to be seen, so I get it.

He wanted Celaena to know, too.

Because the entire universe revolves around her.

The laughter in the Vaults stops as she walks in. I don't know why she's so special. She's just some chick in a dark cloak. She hasn't been there in over a year and a half. Anyway, she goes up to the barkeep to question him. He recognizes her (even though she's wearing a mask). He gives her a free drink. She asks him about Grave.

POV for Grave because this book just hates me. He's running, Cel's chasing him. He was in a tavern when Cel found him. He wants to make her pay for "Humiliating" him in the competition by the way. Because that's what he should be worried about. Anyway, he reaches a dead end.

At first, he thinks he lost her in the streets, but then she shows up. He attacks her, but she manages to evade him.

I am really bored so I'm just going to skip most of their fight.

Cel asks who hired him to carry out the hit. Grave tries to get her to leave him alone by paying her off. BTW Cel is torturing him.

Finally he says he'll tell her everything. 

BTW I peeked ahead and the person who hired Grave isn't anyone shocking or anyone we've really seen before.

OMG Randall has my attitude towards this book pegged

Yeah, probably.

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