Sunday, November 1, 2015

Fancast for 2015 NaNoWriMo

The Blade and the Grey Fancast

Lucy Hale as Sicara.
 She started training as an assassin at age 14, and nearly ten years later she is highly skilled and arguably more dangerous than Grey. Her youthful face and innocent demeanor make it easier for her to get close to her targets. Grey's sense of humor has rubbed off on her and often the two crack jokes that no one else finds funny.

Karl Urban as Grey
He saved Sicara's life and subsequently started training her to be his apprentice when he was in his mid-twenties. She is the only person he trusts with his life. His mantra is "A death without gold is a life wasted", which means that he takes great pains to avoid killing people who don't have a contract. He has a very dry sense of humor.

Sophie Turner as Zilvannie the Exile.
Zil was banished from the Vale at age 17, and for the past two years she has lived on the outskirts of the empire. She is forbidden to set foot within the boundary of the Vale. She has made friends with the Outriders, and often gives them information on the Imperial Outpost. She feels a heavy guilt for her crimes, though the Outriders feel she was falsely exiled.

Bonnie Wright as Nydia Oldtree.
A young, ambitious Outrider of the Vale, Nydia was sent to the Imperial Boundary with her Wing when the followers of the forgotten god were exiled from the Vale. When the rest of her Wing was sent back, she stayed to help Vine and the rest. She is very realistic, and her bright ambition has caught the eye of the Captain Primary, who is grooming her to take his place once he retires. She can be serious minded, but lets Vine joke around with her when she keeps most at arms length.

Richard Madden as Secondary Vinusae (Vine) Stonehill
An experienced Outrider, he connects with Nydia almost instantly in spite of them never riding in the same Wing. He has a great distrust of Imperials, but he is very fond of Zil in spite of her exile. He lacks Nydia's ambition, but found himself in a position of command in his Wing for his hard work and the fact that hears respect for his skill and dedication to his Oath. He is hardworking, but he enjoys a pint and a good pub joke as much as anyone. He is very fond of Zil, and is convinced that she never deserved to be Exiled. He considers Nydia the sister he never had.

Diana Penty as Avayis/Key
A self-made Priestess of a forgotten god, she left Atana before she could be pressured into joining the Godsworn Army. She went to the Vale after finding Empirian to not be receptive to her preaching. She formed a strange triumverate of power with Clef and One, something not seen for a thousand years. She and her companions were thrown out of the Vale for illegal religious practices, and soon after they started finding followers. She wants nothing more than to bring back her forgotten god, to the point of single-mindedness.

Chris Pratt as Henry/One
A man with a tenuous hold on sanity, he would walk through fire for Key after she saved him from a deathly illness. He is the only one who can stand up to her, though he usually backs down out of respect for her. He is afraid of the forgotten god and won't speak his name. He considers Clef his closest friend. He doesn't like to talk much.

Diego Luna as Clef.
Key saved his life when he was stabbed in a barroom brawl over a prostitute. Lost, angry, and lonely, he started following her and found she had an unusual charm and provocative energy that he wanted for himself. He was never religious, but he finds the concept of the forgotten god frightening, but not as frightening as dying alone. He is more of a brawler than a skilled warrior, but it works. He's not above trickery and deceit, but he's tends to be honest with people he actually respects.

YaYa DaCosta as Princess Galena Adiram
She accepted Emperor Landis Delarre V's marriage proposal, knowing full well her country Vedra, annexed a hundred years earlier, would be shocked and confused by her marriage. A deft politician, she is intent on proving herself to her new subjects. While she has a strong, noble facade, underneath she is frightened of marrying a man she does not know and of ruling. She was second-born to a king-in-name-only, and therefore she never expected to lead.

Tom Hiddleston as Emperor Landis Delarre V
Landis became Emperor far too young with the death of his grandfather. Eager to bring peace to his Empire, he extends a marriage contract to the Princess of Vedra, much to his council's surprise and anger. Determined to keep the peace, he is the one who hires Sicara and Grey to kill the Triumverate, though he has to do so through convoluted channels so that it doesn't lead back to him. Determined to be a good leader, he isn't afraid of underhanded dealings to make his dreams of a peaceful Empire come true. Descended from the folk hero Best Beloved, he takes her legacy seriously.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Crown of Midnight Ch. 43-45

My few days off were heavenly. Thank goodness I'm almost done with this book because I can't take much more of this.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Crown of Midnight Ch. 33-35

Have a funny Skyrim picture before I start. We all need a laugh.

Skyrim glitches are my favorite glitches

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Chapter 22-23

My hands hurt a lot and I'm still bringing you these updates. Because I'm a dummy.

Chapter 22

Prince Fizzbitch is in the library, looking through his genealogy to see if anyone else had magic. He's worried that his brother, Joffrey-lite, might have magic too. Fizzbitch is afraid Evil King Papa will kill them both if he discovers the magic.

He thinks about the Fae that had left the continent when EKP went on his reign of terror. Apparently the human citizens were so afraid of them and magically inclined mortals that they were a large part of how EKP managed to purge the continent of magic.

He also looks at his mother's line, and apparently they intermarried with the royal line a lot (GROSS! INBREEDING! But entirely unsurprising, considering how much that happened in the real world). He can't find anyone that wielded magic for centuries.

Fizzbitch, this might come as a shock to you, but your father purged the entire continent of magic. It's not unlikely that he changed the genealogical records. There's nothing stating that the books he's reading are old and weathered or anything.

Either that or he's just a super crazy rare throwback, considering he's descended from Gavin, Elena's hubby. We get some info dumping on Gavin and Elena and it's boring. Essentially, Elena's half-fae blood is the only fae blood that entered the Havilliard family supposedly.

He then picks up a book that's based on the Galathynius line (aka Aelin Galathynius' line, aka Cel's super secret identity) and it's super magical.

I just wrote five paragraphs and a sentence about this BS

Anyway, everyone was afraid of Terrasen maybe trying to overthrow everyone with their mad powers, but they didn't because they're so perfect and special and peacemaking. 

Apparently Prince Fizzbitch met Aelin Galathynius. And she was "precocious and wild". Her cousin, Aedion, ended up working for Evil King Papa and he hates Fizzbitch.

It's Nacho's birthday, and Fizzbitch knows that Cel is taking him off to do something and Prince Fizzbitch isn't invited. Awww. 

As he's being all jealous, the library turns freezing.


He could let go. He had let go. He'd let go. Let go. Let-



I think Fizzbitch would look lovely in Elsa's Ice Dress!

THIS IS THE GREATEST THING TO HAPPEN TO THIS NOVEL! I'm not even mad! (Crown of Midnight was written and released before Frozen opened in theaters).

Anyway, Fizzbitch's magic makes the books fly off the shelves. They start pelting him and I'm giggling at the image of Prince Fizzbitch in the ice dress dodging books. Fizzbitch frantically tries to put the books back. 

Fizzbitch runs out of the library in a major league freak out. He decides to visit Baba Blacksheep because she didn't recognize him as the prince (and he decides that no one will ever clue her in?!) so he goes to visit her.

But before that, we switch to Cel. She's worrying about dinner with Nacho. 

A dinner she'd spent weeks arranging whenever she had a spare moment while spying on those men in Rifthold. A dinner at which she'd be alone. With Chaol.

First of all, how does it take weeks to plan a dinner if you're not Ted Mosby?  Second of all, I want to know about her spying, not her dumb relationship drama. Third of all, I peeked ahead and they're not alone, they have servants waiting on them. LIAR.

She meets Nacho and they head out to a carriage.

She'd threatened to flay the driver and footmen alive if they were late.

Holy shitsnacks. You're the known Champion of Adarlan. That is the most dickish thing you could say to someone unless it's obviously a joke and they know it. It's a goddamn birthday dinner, not a secret meeting that holds the fate of the world in it's success and timeliness.

They end up at an old apothecary, and they go in and up the stairs. The roof of the building is actually a working greenhouse. She'd transformed it to look like the garden from the song the woman who was executed sang.

We get absolutely no description. God, she can describe her clothes in detail but we can't get this? BTW I skip almost all of the clothes descriptions because I don't care. Servants pull out chairs for them as they sit at the table. Though their sudden appearance spooks Nacho.

She'd managed to hire the cook from the Willows for the night--for a fee that had made her consider punching the woman's throat.

It's bitches like Cel that make my job in the Food Service Industry THE WORST (that's a lie, I really do love my job). But like, OMG ENTITLED DICKS LIKE CEL MAKE MY JOB SO MUCH HARDER I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS BULLSHIT.

She LITERALLY states that the servants spent all day preparing the food, and implying that the cook was too. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH AN EXTREMELY RENOWNED CHEF COSTS PER HOUR? A whole hell of a lot. The Willows is ridiculously exclusive, remember. So the chef would take a day off of their job, presumably, where she makes a shit ton of money to do this private event for some dick like Cel. She's going to ask for more than she makes at the Willows for her time and effort.

I can't believe this book managed to piss me off about cooking. God.


Nacho thanks her for everything and thinks it's the greatest gift he's had in a while. I mean, the super expensive fancy horse isn't even close to a rooftop dinner I guess, but Nacho doesn't want to sleep with the horse.

I'm just getting weird now. I apologize.

After they have some banter and eat, they're hanging out on the balcony. There's literally a mention of a "blanket of snow" yet Nacho says spring is in the air.

Actual footage of Cel and Nacho

Cel thinks about poor little Nacho and how everyone treated him just so badly. 

I'm still confused as to why his parents (who weren't like, super high nobility) were so upset that he's Captain of the Guard. That's a very prestigious position. Maybe because they knew he would be shit at it?

Anyway, Cel thinks about how awesomely noble and freaking awesome Nacho is and it's very overwrought. I don't know, he's been a dick this entire book so I'm not feeling it. 

Cel then confesses to Nacho that she hasn't been assassinating anybody. She admits to herself that she's putting him in extreme danger by telling him (and by doing it). Wow. Cel really can't keep a secret. How the hell does she not think about her royal lineage (and that is real, I wasn't joking earlier about her being Aelin Galathynius, but you can find that out by reading the summary of the latest released book in this series)?

Nacho turns pale and tells her she's mad.

She really needs to tell everyone this, doesn't she?

For being an assassin, it's really important to Cel to be totally morally upright. And then she wants to kill and hurt people for being late and cooking for her.

Chapter 23

Nacho is torn between thinking she's stupid and awesome for not killing people. He chastises her for it. They argue over it, and it's hard to pick a side. I wanna side with Nacho because she is being really dumb, as well as the fact that I signed up to read about an ASSASSIN not whatever Cel is. But I'm also wanting to side with Cel because this whole plotline could totally work with coherent writing.

They also argue over whether or not the targets were traitors or not. 

Part of the reason Nacho is so freaked out is that he'd be the one to kill Cel. Or so he thinks (considering I"m pretty sure Evil King Papa would kill him first just to twist the knife). 

Cel then argues, saying Archer has been giving her real information on the secret movement against EKP. She then reveals that she wants to use that information to renegotiate her contract with Evil King Papa because she is fucking stupid. No, seriously, why does she think this will work?! She thinks she'll be far away before he realizes what she's been doing.

If he doesn't KNOW ALREADY. I mean, he would if this book were at all realistic considering he should have a spy network.

They then talk about where Cel would go if she did get to be free and Nacho freaks out some more because she'd go faaaaar away and marry someone else.

He then offers to run away with her. Then he tells her he doesn't like his job anymore. They wax sentimental and dumb and I just hate these two so much that I don't care. 

He finally kisses her.

The kiss obliterated her.

I'm not even sharing the rest of the emotions because they're so dumb.

And then there was the ride home, where he did things to her neck and ear that made her forget her own name. 

 The sex is fade to black, thank CHRIST.

Cel woke as dawn poured into her room.
Words mean things, and this gave me a really weird mental image, especially after she's had sex.

Nacho asks how she's feeling.

Like she was everywhere and nowhere all at once. Like she'd somehow been half-blind all her life and could now see everything clearly.

BTW, she was saying shit like this after Nacho kissed her. It's really fucking old.

Apparently he tenses when she says "tired". Dude, you guys just banged. Why are you so freaked out that she's tired? But he relaxes when she says she's also happy.

Also contraception tonics exist in this world and Hooo boy I'm grateful. I don't want to see Cel with a kid. She'd probably punt the poor thing during teething because of her anger issues.

They talk about what would happen if people found out they were knocking boots. They're not sure exactly what Evil King Papa would do, so they decide to keep things very quiet.

"Honestly, I'm surprised you're not strutting about, boasting to everyone. I certainly would be if I'd tumbled me."

They also decide not to say anything to Prince Fizzbitch, even though he'll probably figure things out soon enough. Cel reassures Nacho that she hasn't had feelings for him in a long time. 

Nacho admits he wanted to sleep with her since Christmahannakwanzika (or maybe earlier). Cel refuses to tell him, though she thinks that it might have "always" been him even before they met.

I wonder what her dead boyfriend thinks about that. 

The grin Chaol gave her was hungry and wicked enough that she shrieked when he yanked her under the blankets.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Crown of Midnight Ch. 17-18

I had a mini break down about this book on Facebook yesterday. It's just so bad, you guys.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Crown of Midnight Ch. 6-8

AKA Celery Stick's philosophy on being the Greatest Assassin Evar!!

More and more worried with how well Archer quotes apply to this book.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Crown of Midnight Ch. 4-5

Got my Disney station on Pandora, my chai all hot and delicious, and this book to disappoint me.

Perfect Saturday.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Throne of Glass Names

I attempted to pronounce the names in Throne of Glass. It did not go well.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Tempted Ch. 1

Seeing as how I've finished the Virgin Bride, I needed a new book to mercilessly mock. As if answering my distress call, the universe sent me a book that I bought based on the cover alone.

Ladies and Gentleman, I give you TEMPTED.


Apparently the man who'd mail-ordered Hope Savage hadn't expected her, for he seemed a bit taken aback by her language and her duds. But Whooey, was he a looker! The parson's saintly face made the Appalachian firebrand weak in her knees - and the preacher's perfect body made her want to wail a hymn of thanksgiving. Still, every time she got a hand on the rascally fellow, he managed to skedaddle, shrieking about the Good Book. Heck, she'd seen a few good books and she was hoping to learn if what she'd read was true. There she was, waiting to be set upon by her new husband, and all he wanted to do was make a lady out of her.

Well, maybe she'd let him. Then perhaps she could show him that it's sometimes nice to be naughty and that something heavenly could come from being...Tempted.

And after the jump, I'll post the cover.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Throne of Glass Ch. 51-52

We're in the home stretch! And I am so looking forward to dropping this book at the library and AWAY FROM ME.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Throne of Glass Ch. 49-50

I've had more than one person tell me that they'd have quit reading this book loooong before whatever part we're talking about.

I am a glutton for punishment, I guess.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Throne of Glass ch. 45-48

For a special mother's day treat, I'm bringing you a double post! Yes, my friends, four chapters!

I hate myself that much.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Throne of Glass Ch. 43-44

This book is good for something; I get so worked up over it's dumbness that I forget about all the other crap in my life.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Throne of Glass Ch. 39-40

Okay y'all, I'm going to try to be a bit more clear in my recaps. My grammar has been deteriorating because this book is melting my brain.

Wish me luck.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Throne of Glass Ch. 37-38

I'm moving ever close to the end, and with the end comes...

But I still have like eighteen chapters to read. sigh.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Throne of Glass Ch. 34

I just made my cat super disappointed because I put my book on my lap right before she was about to jump up and use me as warm-blooded furniture.

Sorry, Eisley. I feel your pain. This book disappoints me too.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Throne of Glass Ch. 32-33

I had to call the library this morning and renew this. I feel like I've failed myself. I mean there's 55 chapters.

After the reigning stupidity of yesterday's post, I'm wondering how this book is going to surprise me again. It's like every time I think I've hit the threshold for ridiculousness, this book pulls a fast one on me.

So at least it's keeping me guessing? Just not in the way the author intended.

I feel kinda like this sometimes.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Throne of Glass Ch. 30-31

Sometimes I wonder what I'm doing with  my life when the highlight of my days is snarking this terrible book.

That kind of says more about me than the book, I think.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Throne of Glass Ch. 26-27

I'm going to between complete apathy and absolute rage reading this book. Which I don't think is the author's intent...

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Throne of Glass Ch. 24-25

I am so bored and unfeeling that I'm just... not feelin' the anger any more. I know what to expect now. Stupid non-assassins who think they're the best, bored nobleman, and a captain who is incompetent at his job.

BUT we get a hint of more plot today. I'm not excited.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Throne of Glass ch. 22-23

I really wanted to avoid keeping this book from the library longer than I had to, but I'm not even halfway through and my books are due back May 1, sooooooooooo guess I have to renew it! I haven't even been able to crack the actual good book I checked out either (but that's due more to being busy with work and babysitting and stuffs).

It's a dreary day outside, my favorite weather because I've been an emo my whole life, I have a cup of tea, a bad book, and Phildel on Pandora. I'm ready for this.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Throne of Glass Ch. 20-21

I ranted about this book for quite awhile to my sister-in-law yesterday. I have strong feelings about it. Obviously.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Throne of Glass Ch. 16-17

I'm pretty sure this book doesn't know what an assassin is or does. It would make so much  more sense if Cel was some sort of mercenary.

Be forewarned, I got crankier than usual writign this post.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Throne of Glass Ch. 14-15

You know, a lot of this book's problems would be non-issues if at least the characters were likable. I can deal with bad plots and some weird logic leaps if I at least liked who I was reading about. Instead I get a Captain who doesn't have a job to do, an assassin who is the most annoying person on the planet, and a princess who is really mean for no reason.

We've barely seen Dorian so I don't have anything to say about him.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Throne of Glass Ch 11-12

I might pick up Ms. Maas's new book Court of Thorns and Roses if it comes to my library (it has nothing to do with the Throne of Glass series). While I have no idea how to pronounce the protagonist's name (Feyre) and I'm a bit "eeer" about "fans of GRRM" boast, the cover copy sounds really interesting. I'm a sucker for stories about the Fae, both based in real world mythology and ones completely made up. Plus it's obviously a retelling of Beauty and Beast which is my FAVORITE fairy tale of all time.

And as I've noticed in Goodreads reviews, the writing and plotting do get a lot better as the Throne of Glass series goes on, so I'm sure it'll be a fun read, if nothing else.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Throne of Glass Ch. 9-10

My brother told me the other day that this book sounds a lot like My Immortal. Grammar and spelling differences aside, I believe he was mentioning the Mary Sue aspect.

At least My Immortal was entertaining in it's terribleness.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Throne of Glass Ch. 7-8

I'm using a postcard I bought in Australia as a bookmark. This has nothing to do with anything, I just felt like mentioning it.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Throne of Glass Chapter 5-6

I seem to recall the author saying the original Throne of Glass (called Queen of Glass) was supposed to be a Cinderella retelling, only with Cinderella being an assassin. That makes the whole glass theme make a lot of sense, and for what the original story was (a teenager's offering on the internet), it really wasn't that bad. Obviously a mashup like that would garner a lot of attention, as it certainly caught mine.

I just wish this book had been overhauled so the characters didn't have serious logic fails and were a lot more likable. That would have fixed SO many problems I've already found in the first few chapters. I can forgive a weak plot a LOT if I like the characters.

Sadly, I really, really dislike these dudes.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Throne of Glass Ch. 3-4

This is a library book so I'm trying to get this updated more regularly than I usually do.

Side note: I've heard the sequels to this book get a lot better. That's nice to know, actually. It's always good to hear about authors getting better instead of getting worse or stagnating. And hey, this book was originally written when the author was a teenager. I'm certainly a lot better at age 28 than I was at 16. 

Enough chit-chat.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Throne of Glass Ch. 1-2

Our new book this time around is a blast from Catherine's Past.

I'm talking about THRONE OF GLASS.

First things first, I'm pretty sure the cover artist was all like "Huh.. we need a pretty blonde chick as a model for this...

"The author is a pretty blonde chick...

"let's give her gross eyebrows and call it a day!"

I'm not even kidding, take a look at the author's photo compared to this cover and be baffled with me.

As if we needed another reminder that the protagonist is a self-insert. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't see anything wrong with self-inserts as a rule. I myself write a ton of protagonists who are short, tiny people with long hair who like to sing, and most of them are girls! But the protag in this book, from what I've read in reviews, is the insufferable Mary Sue of the early 2000's.

I read this story on fictionpress waaaaaay back when the author first published it. I was probably around 15 (the author was 16) and I thought it was super cool except for the fact that the protagonist seemed kinda high school girly for a hardened assassin (and a couple years later then created one of my most badass characters who happened to be an assassin as well but who was significantly emotionally damaged by what she went through in her life). Apparently the author didn't take my tactic of 'BURY FREAKING EVERYTHING' from my high school writing years and didn't rewrite much of this book.

So this is going to be interesting.